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Areas of Focus

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8

Lead Astray in Ohio

An estimated 19,000 children under age six in Ohio have unsafe levels of lead in their blood, according to a new analysis by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) that identifies high-risk counties...

Poisonous Pastime

The American gun industry is in big trouble. Hunting is fading as a sport. Guns are seen by most of the general public as either weapons of crime or dangerous toys owned only by a shrinking minority...

Lead Pollution at Outdoor Firing Ranges

Lead is the most prevalent contaminant at Superfund sites across the country (EPA 2001a). The highly toxic metal triggers more Superfund cleanups than any other industrial chemical or waste product in...

Lead Astray

Despite a 1991 lawsuit settlement in which the State of California promised to ensure blood testing and treatment for lower-income children threatened by lead poisoning, since 1992 the state has...

Expert Spotlight

Chemical companies provide quarterly reports on production and sales figures to shareholders. Why shouldn’t the public and EPA receive similar reports every year about commonly used chemicals, some of which could pose a serious health risk?”

News & Insights

Best bang for your buck: Kids sunscreens

School’s almost out, and kids will soon be enjoying their favorite part of the year – summer vacation. Whether that means beach trips, summer camp or making memories with other neighborhood kids, they...